Certification means maximum security, whenever human life matters. The Simba winch you purchase is designed by experienced engineers with a critical eye, produced by licensed machine manufacturers, according to the European safety & environmental rules and regulations in this field and finally has been tested thoroughly by our experienced test pilots. You get a CE-certified Simba winch and on top of all this, we will have your Simba winch through the German DHV airworthiness certification before you get your hands on it!
DHV certirication process:
Simba winch has been designed & produced according to DHV guidelines for Airworthiness of paraglider & hangglider winches. The certification process is in progress and we expect it to be finished very soon and the winch ready for the German market too.
For forthur information on progress in certification process, you are more than welcome to contact us at any time. The news on this page will also be updated, as the process goes on during winter 2016.